Sunday, December 31, 2017


Mostly every house has plants inside and/or outside the house. I always received the question that is it good to have them in the house?
I would like to say - it’s not bad Feng Shui.

Only one concern is plants give out Carbon Dioxide. Then if you love to have some green in house, just do it but not too many.

Wish you enjoy fresh air from your lively green.

Saturday, December 30, 2017


Having water in front of the house was another popular topic I often explained.  This was from the basic Feng Shui rule we almost heard of “Leaning against mountains and facing water”.  Read this article, and you will understand correctly in this sentence.

“Leaning against mountains and facing water” is the guideline to look for house location, not for interior.

In fact, this does not mean you need to have “water” in front or “mountains” at the back.  The main point from this sentence is Yin & Yang.

Yang is needed at the front of house (active energy).  It expresses in strong, vibrant sounds and color, bright lights, upward moving energy, river, road, bridge, etc.

While back of your house needs Yin (passive energy), likes mountains, buildings, etc.

Now you can reset your mindset having a fountain in front of the house to support wealthy Feng Shui.  Actually, this is not entirely true.  As a matter of fact, not every house can have the fountains or any other water overflow system.

If you want to know should your house has the fountain or at which location, Feng Shui inspection is only the answer and confirm your needs.  Without the inspection, I cannot give you the right suggestion.

On another hand, if you have never had Feng Shui for your house before, DO NOT set up fountain or any water overflow system.  I strongly mentioned this because it may affect severe bad energy if you have it wrong location or not the right time.

When you have it wrong, bad energy influences most of everything, especially finance to you & all family members.

Feng Shui influences (both good & bad) to everyone in the house (including tenant), it does not matter who is the house owner.

I don’t want to scare you but it is a serious topic.  When it happens, the bankruptcy was the worst case I found.

If you have the fountain without Feng Shui, remove it immediately.  Don’t believe after bad situation happen.  This was that bankrupt told me.

Wish you all choose the right choice for your house.  Good luck!


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

2 cases today were at condominium and house.  Both of house owners had the same aim which was getting Feng Shui house ready before moving in.

It was right timing for them.  Feng Shui inspection before interior design saved a lot of your time & money. 

To welcome New Year in near future, I would like to share you the bad luck year topic today.  How bad it would be in our bad luck Year?

In year 2018 is the year of Earth Dog.  The cutoff date for bad luck year period is 4th February 2018.  It’s not 1st January 2018.

From 1st – 3rd January 2018, Rat, Rabbit, Horse and Rooster are still considered in bad luck year 2017 period.

Bad luck year in 2018 affects Ox, Dragon, Sheep and Dog.  There is no the worst zodiac sign among above mentioned names, all are to be aware in all parts.

Actually bad luck year likes a normal year.  But the people in mentioned zodiac signs (each year) have very sensitive fortune.  If they do not break forbidden rules, they can live normally.

Normally if you are in good fortune period, everything runs well.  If not, it seems a bit difficult to run anything.

However, if you are in bad luck year & break any of forbidden rules, it’s just break even if you are in good fortune period.  On another hand, if you are in bad fortune period, you may suffer the utmost outcome.

What are the forbidden rules?
1. Do not buy car or house
2. Do not expand or renovate your place
3. Do not establish new business
4. Do not build house or have house-warming ceremony

In short, you can not start any new investment or spend big money.  But it’s alright to make money or make merit.

If you surely do not break the above rules, it is not necessary to perform a ceremony to ward off bad luck at Chinese temple.  Furthermore if it is to increase your peace of mind, go ahead to perform the ceremony to ward off bad luck.  It is not wrong.

The price of freedom is simply choosing to be, liberation is in the mind. - - The Buddha - -


There is a popular question about the pillar in the middle of the room.  What should we do?

In fact, there is no Feng Shui effect on pillars in the middle of the room.  It’s just obstructing the view.

However, having pillars in the middle of the room causing difficulty to Feng Shui adjustment.  Again, it’s not promote bad energy.

Then you can rest assure this misunderstanding.  There is no need to hang a mirror or anything else.

If you have been hung anything to adjust the pillars, remove it.  Hanging a thing may affect bad energy than the pillar itself, especially hanging up the mirror.

There are plenty of misunderstandings.  It’s better to check with the right guru than catching a piece of information in the air.  Good luck!

Friday, December 29, 2017


Recently, I had talked to one of my customer regards how house numbers or car numbers affect to our lives.

They are not the main point to worry about but they can support the core impact.  What does it mean?  If the core impact doesn’t play bad energy towards you, these supportive numbers will not affect anything as well.

It sounds nothing but there is something behind.  Whenever bad energy attacks you, these unhealthy numbers will aggravate further, sometimes that mistake cannot be solved.

Like I said many times, if you already had good Feng Shui house (core impact) but you got bad house numbers or car numbers.  You might not need to fix house numbers or car numbers.  It is your choice.

On another hand, if you yet have or not sure on good Feng Shui house, I strongly suggest you change those bad supportive numbers first.  This is to prevent bad things happen and you might not able to sort them out in time.

The problem caused from this matter is not the one time thing.  It will repeat continually as long as you are using poor numbers.

Does your house numbers or car numbers suit you?

Thursday, December 28, 2017


We all have own dreams for our house interior design.  Today I’m focusing on floor patterns (there are also other factors like color, materials & directions).  I have seen many flooring patterns - basic, luxurious to dazzle styles.

Do you know all floor patterns are nice in one way or another?  In term of Feng Shui, if you like to add specific shapes, first be aware of their correspondence to specific Feng Shui elements and find out if you are harmonious with this energy.

There are number of choices in interior design now.  Be sure to look into basic interior design principles of flooring layout – simple is best!!!

Actually, most of the house areas are not encouraged to dazzled patterns.  If you really need to have dazzled style, there are a few areas might capable.
1. Garage – But this garage has to be separated area from the main entry
2. Living room
3. Washing & laundry area
4. Deck

Then what will happen if you have the wrong floor patterns?

1. Front door / main entry – Almost everything will face to the obstacles.  As said above, if your garage is separated area from the main entry, you may use pattern floor in the garage.

2. Kitchen & dining room – Affect to work & cooperation within family members.

3. Tabernacle – Spoil your prestige, subordinates disobey or any other problems caused by the followers.

4. Office – Work & finance interrupt – always have problems to be solved.

5. Bedroom – Persistent unhealthy.

6. Toilet / bathroom – Shortage of cash flow.

The pattern flooring might look fantastic to you but it may harm your Feng Shui energy.  Then think it twice if you can choose from the start.

To solve this issue, take a deep breath … huhhh…
1. Renovate to plain or basic floor (hugh investment) – or –
2. Cover by plain color rubber floor mat.

Specific shape and layout flooring become very significant because a good layout will channel and strengthen the Chi energy throughout your house, while a poorly choice will block the energy flow towards your house & yourself.

Feel free to let me know if I can support your right choice of flooring layout or shapes and patterns.  Good luck!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


New Year is coming very soon.  Today I am glad to share the technique for you to have good house numbers in order to welcome new fortune.

This technique is good to
1. The ultimate number (house numbers combination) is good. – or -
2. I have checked Feng Shui for you earlier. – or -
3. Your house has been settled by Bagua coins.

If your ultimate house numbers is not good and yet settle it, I do not recommend you to follow this technique.  It might affect bad energy to your house or family members.

This technique is attracting good natural energy to your house.

1. Back of the house is facing East and Southeast in degrees 68-157
- House numbers color/tone:   Green
- Background color/tone:   Blue, dark blue, black or grey
- Plate shape/pattern:   Rectangle

2. Back of the house is facing South in degrees 158-202
- House numbers color/tone:   Red, pink, purple or orange
- Background color/tone:   Green
- Plate shape/pattern:   Triangle

3. Back of the house is facing Northeast in degrees 23-67 and Southwest in degrees 203-247
- House numbers color/tone:   Yellow or brown
- Background color/tone:   Red, pink, purple or orange
- Plate shape/pattern:   Square

4. Back of the house is facing West and Northwest in degrees 248-337
- House numbers color/tone:   White, gold or silver
- Background color/tone:   Yellow or brown
- Plate shape/pattern:   Circle or oval

5. Back of the house is facing North in degrees 338-22
- House numbers color/tone:   Blue, dark blue, black or grey
- Background color/tone:   White, gold or silver
- Plate shape/pattern:   Wave

You can use any materials for the plate but not ugly shape nor leave it damaged.

I hope this technique will be good to you in one way or another.  Feel free to Like my Page and enjoy more tips for your beloved house.

Being healthy and rich is not a fishy or trend.  Instead, it is a lifestyle.​


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

There are plenty of good houses but it is not easy to have the right Feng Shui house for you.

Do not try free & cheap things for your house as it’ll long & important for you & family’s members.

There was a new case today but at the same project I used to consult before.  The house owner’s one of the fighters by their own abilities.  Of course, only the best thing is worth to this house.  They might have a bigger house in 2 years, it is not difficult to predict that way for them.

Keep focusing & improving your work while you have a good Feng Shui house with good fortune to support, the success will be right in front of you in near future.

Saturday, December 23, 2017


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

Besides your own ability, Feng Shui and good fortune are the needs to achieve your goal rapidly & smoothly.

This case study required a small adjustment on the entrance.  When you have the right entrance, the rest are not much hard to support good Feng Shui.

Recently I have talked about good house numbers.  There were many people asked me what good house number should be.  Today I’ll show you the simple guideline.

Good house numbers are
1. The combination of each digit should be 1, 6, 8 or 9.
2. Do not have number 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 7 more than one digit.

If you have any questions on this topic, feel free to ask me.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Today (3rd Dec 2017) was another good day to complete the plan which was set since mid-year.  My family & I made a merit by donating a set of Tipitaka cabinet.  We wish all monks & novices who are living & studying at Haydyai Sidaram temple (Wat Somdet) will maximize the benefits of learning Dhamma.
As informed earlier who want to be a part of this donation, you can follow the instructions below (I DO NOT ACCEPT ANY MONEY TRANSFER TO MY BANK ACCOUNT OR ANY OTHER FORMS OF CASH).

1. Arrange money at the amount you are pleased (no matter of less or much).

2. Look at this Tipitaka cabinet photo (as attached) and embrace into your mind.

3. Pray the following statement while recall the Tipitaka cabinet image.
“Na-mo tas-sa Bha-ka-va-to A-ra-ha-to Sam-maa-sam-bud-dhas-sa. (repeat 3 times)

I (your name) wish to share this merit and rejoice the Tipitaka cabinet donation with Ajarn Nantawat at Haydyai Sidaram temple (Wat Somdet) on 3rd December 2017.  May the merits made by this Tipitaka cabinet donation be shared among myself, my family, people surrounding me and all holy things from past lives, this life including existence & non-existence.

May one’s mind becomes sharper and overcome all problems wisely like the knowledge on these 91 Tipitaka books.

May one’s life be strong against all obstacles, patient and courageous same as this teak wood Tippitaka cabinet.

May any merit that I have made, which is most worthy of path and fruit of Nibbana in the near future… Sathu…Sathu…Sathu.

May this merit share with all my enemies from past lives, this life including existence & non-existence.

May everyone share this merit with me and rejoice in my merit.  May both of you and me end all the karma together.  May you prosperity in virtue and Dhamma from now onwards.”

4. Donate the blessing money (clause 1) at any temple at your convenience.

You can spread this merit story to your loved ones in order to expand prosperity to everyone.

Last but not least, I wish you all be filled with happiness, wealthy and healthy eternally.


Feng Shui is an ancient art and science developed more than 3,000 years ago in China.  It teaches us to balance the energies in any given space – home, office or garden – in order to promote good fortune to people inhabiting it.  Sounds very complex but I have some easy tips might make a big difference & make good sense to you.

1. Fix your squeaks - Sounds of entry door squeak or whine can affect your mood & well-being.  Fix it to create more positive energy.

2. Use front door – Entry door represents how Chi power enters your home & life – good energy & opportunities.  The more you use front door, the better of good energy comes.

3. Eliminate clutter – Take away unnecessary stuffs in your places, you will feel lighter and more relax.  It’s good to burn off the old energy to welcome fresh & new Chi power.

4. Keep your toilet cover down & bathroom door closed – Water is related to wealth, we don’t want to flush away our money.  Just keep the toilet seat cover down & the bathroom door closed to reduce this effect.

5. Have two nightstands – It doesn’t matter that you want to live alone or not but two nightstands create a more supported & balanced bed.  These nightstands don’t need to match or be treditional.

6. Avoid working with your back to a door – Arrange your table & work facing a door, may surprise you feel how much more powerful in the air.  If you can’t reposition your table, put a mirror above your table or a reflective surface on your table that enables to you to see the door on it.  Sense that no one can “sneak up on you” when you can see the entrance.

7. Having plants around – Plants are nature, creativity, growth & air purification.  Especially if you have lots of electronics, plants look lush, wonderful & promote better feeling for you.

8. Cover up TV in bedroom – The active energy of TV may be disruptive to the calming quiet energy more conductive to sleep.  Find a beautiful fabric toss it over on TV when not in use.

9. Clean all windows – The windows symbolize your eyes.  Cleaning the windows is to open your eyes & brighten your space.

10. Fix what’s broken  - Get rid of all broken stuffs in your house/space.  Your space is a mirror of you.  Don’t let it stay broken!  Fixing things in your house you may find it easier to confront & fix other lingering issues or problems in your life at the same time.

My suggestions are simple guidelines.  Do what feel right & comfortable to you.  Even a small move can make a big difference!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


@ Jakarta, INDONESIA

If you want to have the success guideline, let read this case study.

This case study’s very interesting.  She’s one of the successful businesswomen.  She’s grabbing all opportunities coming in.  I have no doubt in her great success as this is one of the rich habits.

She’s going to have a house-warming ceremony.  I was invited to support her good fortune & prestige energy.  Good fortune, healthy & prestige are very important keys to business owner who has to take care of staffs or subordinates.  Then we are going to focus on working table and bed.

After house consultation, we were checking further to her working place.  It’s quite tough to manage good Feng Shui with limited space like this in order to have all right checklists.

My secret is to encourage attacking power.  However, you need to have good Feng Shui at your house as first place.  This power is related & support to your business.  How to make it done?  It’s my top secret.

If you wish to have smooth & quick success, there are 3 factors to make them done properly.
1. Yourself management (VERY IMPORTANT!!!)
2. Right timing of fortune
3. Feng Shui

There is no more waiting time for your success if you can fulfill the above factors with the right harmony.

Call me may attacking power right for your improvement.

Monday, December 18, 2017


When you are keeping too many (overload) stuffs, the last location you will keep is at front entrance, isn’t it?  If your answer (and practicing) is yes, let have a look what it affects to you & family members.

It’s happen to the person who can’t decide to throw away a thing as every single one has some meaning to his/her life.  I don’t surprise that the store room’s over loaded and using other places in the house for keeping those stuffs including front entrance/area.

The sloppy is always lead bad energy to your house, no matter of where is it.  And the sloppy at the front door gives more severe bad energy to you than the sloppy inside your house.

It can interrupt your cash flow, reduce prestige, bad gossip, slander or problems at work.  Then you should pay attention to this point seriously.

3 Rules For Front Door (VERY IMPORTANT!!!)

1. Clear clutter from your front door area, yard, pathway and front porch to allow energy to flow into your house.

2. Don’t place any messy things especially when you can see from outside the house to the main entrance (front door).

3. Get rid of all broken stuffs & rubbish.

If you break the above rules, it doesn’t harm you seriously.  But it definitely affects persistent bad fortune.

The solution?  It’s quite simple.  Just keep the front door area clean and organized.

Many people don’t see this point but I recommend you to deal with it as my above suggestions.  It’s even better if you can clear your whole house from those unnecessary stuffs – throw them away or donate to people who needed.  When you make more room to welcome good energy circulating throughout, the people who live in this house experience higher levels of well-being and good fortune.

Sunday, December 17, 2017


@ Saraburi, THAILAND

The first two important checklists for buying a new house are location (with surroundings) and house numbers.

Location – Checking how much Chi energy leads the vibrant to your house, including how much supportive from surroundings.

House Numbers – It likes birthday analysis for easy understanding.  Good house number is going to support good energy.  On another hand, bad house number can affect more severe problems.

When we have good start from these 2 factors, the rest of the Feng Shui is no more difficult.

However, this case study had no other choice because it’s the last available house to purchase.  I was invited to give advice to continue buying or giving it up.

After the inspection, this house is considered a good one.  The right Feng Shui can promote wealthy to the owner.

Saturday, December 16, 2017


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

If you own a business, you should have Feng Shui helps you create a vibrant and successful energy at both working and living places.

House – Set for defense
Office – Set for attack

When both places meet harmony, your success will come easily & smoothly.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Feng Shui: SECRET

@ Bangkok, THAILAND

There are only 2 simple secrets in order to create good Feng Shui.

1. You need to give full support
2. You need to follow the Feng Shui instructions seriously

That’s it.  The rest of work is to improve energy yourself.  When you have the right Feng Shui, it will continue promoting good fortune for you & family round the clock.

Friday, December 8, 2017


@ Bangkok, THAILAND
The inspection was done very well.  The best timing for Feng Shui is making from the scratch.  If you are in the process of building or renovating your space, you are in luck to consult & plan Feng Shui ahead.  This is not only save your energy but also save your money, and of course, a good start making better & brighter journey.

Thursday, December 7, 2017


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

In general, we understand that Feng Shui is for fulfilling the luck but it’s not.  The combination of surrounding is also important.

I would like to share a case study.  This house owner’s a wealthy family, then I would like to focus on prestige and healthy in order to complete his other fortune.

There are a few concerns on wealthy;

1. Main gate to welcome fortune
2. Working table or living room to highlight the money
3. Water fountain to motivate cash flow

These 3 matters work for wealthy under the condition that the degrees, layout and your own fortune have to be in the right harmony, which is Feng Shui.

Big topic is having fountain in Feng Shui house.  But it does not mean that every house can set up the fountain.  Especially if you have never did Feng Shui before, I suggest you better NOT set it up.  If you have it wrong location, the bankruptcy can be happened.  I found some cases from this mistake.

Back to the main points on prestige and healthy.  These two points are very important for wealthy people, you need them seriously.

There are a few concerns as well;
1. Working table has to be at the wealthy position & promote the prestige
2. Kitchen promotes owner’s prestige (very difficult)
3. Bedroom promotes healthy & double prestige power 

Bedroom is mainly for health issue but there are some special techniques to promote prestige too.  However, this cannot apply to every house.  Layout, degrees & own fortune have to be in the right harmony - I insist. 

This case study, there were a few Feng Shui problems, but not hard to fix or promote the areas we needed.  I can say that it’s quite perfect after the consultations to the house owner. 

Feng Shui is not only manage follow through the book.  Every case, every house and everyone has independent factors, then the solution or promoting are not the same at all.  If you think to save by doing own fixing from general Feng Shui books, I rather say that it’s totally WRONG.  

If you make any mistakes (which might not warn on the books), the problems can be happened very severe.  And it’s very much difficult to solve after that in some cases.

It’s better to have a professional take care of it because you have to live in your house in long term.

If you are interested into modern Feng Shui (not magic or rebuilt main structure) which focus on beauty, functional and promote good fortune to everyone in your house, do not hesitate to contact me for basic advice.