Monday, February 5, 2018


If you place any electronic devices at your cashier counter, please be noted that it’s bad to your finances.

In Feng Shui, the cashier counter is the heath of business.  If you have the right Feng Shui cashier desk, it will support your business and finances.

The principle to set up cashier desk is the same as office table which you can check it out from my earlier articles.

Today I’ll talk about the stuffs you are placing on the cashier counter.

Apart of the counter’s location, the stuffs on it are also important.

To have good cashier counter, remember …
1. Clear, clean and neat
2. Better not to have any electronic devices or minimize to place it on

The untidy counter has lesser bad effect than placing electronic devices.

The Feng Shui cashier counter should be calm and no movement.  The electronic devices create vibration which means your cash box is moving all the time.

When your cash box is moving, it will bring you a lot of headache from high expenses and unstable sales volume.

You can solve it by making the counter clear, clean, neat and no electronic devices to be put on it.  A computer is an acceptable to place on.

Being in control of your finances is a great stress reliever. - - Unknown - -​​

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