Wednesday, February 21, 2018


@ Chiangrai, THAILAND

Do you know what is a good house?  Good house is able to help your life smoother.

What is a good house?  You may think it should be a Feng Shui house.  It’s true but not all.

It’s not only Feng Shui house itself but it has to support you too.  It means everyone has individual Feng Shui house.  Mainly I will focus on color, shape and direction to individual’s fortune.

To have your Feng Shui house, you need to have your Chinese fortune telling first.

1. Fire element
- Color/tone: Red, pink, purple and orange
- Shape/pattern: Triangle
- Direction: South

2. Earth element
- Color/tone: Yellow and brown
- Shape/pattern: Square
- Direction: Northeast and Southwest

3. Gold element
- Color/tone: White, gold and silver
- Shape/pattern: Circle and oval
- Direction: West and Northwest

4. Water element
- Color/tone: Blue, dark blue, black and gray
- Shape/pattern: Wave
- Direction: North

5. Wood element
- Color/tone: Green
- Shape/pattern: Rectangle
- Direction: East and Southeast

I use this principle to set up individual Feng Shui house in order to attract all good energies supporting your fortune.  This is the best Feng Shui.

We do not need to have 100% Feng Shui house.  Importantly your house has to promote fully 100% good energy to you.

This case I inspected since it’s just empty land.  This’s a good start to have Feng Shui because I can ensure you have good foundation.  Mark good location to build your house.  Surely it has to be located on treasure mark.

Next is to locate other floor plan from main door, office, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, etc.  This house floor plan’s no bad spot because I wrote the plan myself.  If you follow this plan, I assure you will get rich.

He wants to have the same house pattern like his sister’s which will be next door.  It seems like he has the showroom before start building his house.  In conclusion, his house has good location, great house degree and beautiful floor plan.  Everything’s perfect.

Feel free to consult with me if you want to build new house or buy land/house etc.

You can tell when people are truly happy.  Their energy is genuine. - - Unknown - -

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