Saturday, March 31, 2018


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

When your business is growing up, you need to expand.  One option is to buy a new building for bigger corporate.

Here are 4 checklists for sustainable business.  You need to know before you are facing any obstacle.

To expand your business with new building (buy/rent) is a must thing at the right time.  Otherwise, your business may be ruined.  Do you know why?  There are only 4 matters we mostly disregard.  The core problem is always caused from bad Feng Shui.

1. Outside strategically located place – Main point is leaning against mountains and facing water.  But in the modern time is leaning against buildings and facing road.  The bigger business you are, the more responsibility you have.  Then the prestige is more important than money.  If you have bad strategically located place, you need to solve it immediately.

2. Cash box location – Back must be solid.  Front must be clear.  This is the same philosophy of leaning against mountains and facing water.  But we just adapt to use for inside the building.  To attract more cash flow & saving, you have to locate it at the treasure spot.  If you put it wrong place, no matter how much money you earn but will not able to save them.

3. Executive table – Focus on prestige.  The bigger of business you are, you become involved with more human resource management.  It’s including your staffs, clients and business partners.  Good prestige supports your work progress smoothly.  At the wrong location you work might good but you will have management problem.

4. Market perception – When you move to new location, you need to build up market perception to the customer immediately.  This is because your business needs to progress continually & quick.  You might think only your own convenience but forget customer’s point of view.  Don’t forget many competitors are also in the same market.

These 4 important factors are dangerous concerns to business owner.

Start wide, expand further, and never look back. - - Arnold  Schwarzenegger - -

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Feng Shui: FIND YOU RIGHT ONE - Part 3

@ Bangkok, THAILAND

This case is also very interesting.  It’s a new house, awaiting for decoration but it’s in bad direction.  What is a bad direction house?  How’s the terrible?  And how to deal with it?  You will definitely don’t want to face it.

We already known that bad luck year affects to the people.  But many people don’t know that there is bad year to your house too.  In Feng Shui we call bad direction.

We mostly already knew what are prohibited in bad luck year.  Bad direction house is also have the rules.

But bad direction house affects more serious result than bad luck year.  I can adjust Feng Shui to soften your bad luck year.  But if it’s bad direction house, I’m sorry to say “NO”.

What is a bad direction house?  It’s front of the house against the South or back of the house against the North.  This changes every year.

Bad direction house in year 2018 starts from 4th February 2018 – 3rd February 2019.

This house is in bad direction this year.  Meaning that to stop everything & just wait until the end of 3rd February 2019 to discuss again.  It’s good that the owner was not in hurry to do anything to the house.

Someone has wrong time to do a thing.  You don’t buy a house because your finance is not ready.  And when you are ready to buy a house, it’s your bad luck year.  Don’t just think that when you are ready is the good time.

I warn you again that it’s better to wait & slow down all your big projects when you are in bad luck year.  It’s not worth for the bad outcome to break this rule.

Less do.  More be. - - Unknown - -

Friday, March 23, 2018


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

This 2nd case is also interesting.  Do you have a bridge in front of your house or shop?  Look at the photo if you can’t imagine.

Do you know the outcome or solution?  Check it out with this article & prove it.

Many houses might have this same situation.  Originally your house is located at a good location with no big thing block your view.  But when the city is growing, you got a bridge in front of your place by not asking for.

From a good business, some cases turned to bad business & needed to move out.  But why some cases got more traffic (money)?  The same bridge but give different results depends on where is your house located toward the bridge.

Let’s talk about bad thing first.  The bridge in front of the house affects to finances.  You will have unstable income – sometime it seems you have a very good business but sometime it hardly get any business.

The bad case is lack of liquidity.  You order more stock when your business is in growing up period.  But later it’s going down, you stuck with those stocks.  This is the reason why some businesses have to give up & move out.
But for the cases with very good impact, it’s better than before having the bridge.  This is because their Chi’s getting stronger plus Feng Shui house got a little bad impact from the bridge.  This supports the business at this location a lot better.

There are only 2 reasons for both good & bad outcome.

1. Location - The OK location is under the bridge & near the middle.  The bridgehead is prohibited – please read more details in Part 1.

2. Chi circulation to the house – The best spot is near intersection or U-turn point.  Basically, where every cars need to hit the brake before reach to your shop.  This spot is very important.  Air mass is reducing violence before it flows to your house.  This made Chi is getting stronger & stable.

Any questions you may have, feel free to contact me.

Now let’s talk for the solution if you have bridgehead view from your house.  It’s covering up.  You can do whatever not to see the bridgehead when you are standing in front of your house.  That’s it.

It sounds easy but it’s very difficult to cover the whole view up.  That’s why I told you to fix what you can do.  To have some amulets like mirror cannot solve this problem.

The power of heart is much stronger than the power of mind to empower our life. - - Anuj - -

Saturday, March 17, 2018


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

I used a lot of energy today for 3 cases.  Luckily they all have the same owner.  They were very interesting cases, then I will share with you into 3 parts.

Can you see a bridgehead from your house?  Look at the photo if you can’t imagine.

This is very bad in Feng Shui.  It might already affected to you but you didn’t know it was from this cause.

I’ll give you the solution in Part 2.  Or if you have a good comment, I’ll give you a personal solution.

What are unfortunate things to be avoided for your house?

One of those things is the view of a bridgehead.  This affects to your family unity.  There are plenty of bad results such as quarrel, cheat or violence.  Most of the cases I found “separate”.

These things have the potential to affect you at any time.  We cannot predict when it shows up or how bad is it if we don’t know the personal fortune. 

This is an outside unfortunate thing which is beyond your control.  The basic solution is let it go!  You only can fix some matters under your control.

The solution will be continued in Part 2.

This is a BIG unfortunate thing which I don’t want you face it.

The ultimate aim of the ego is not to see something, but to be something. - - Muhammad  Iqbal - -

Thursday, March 15, 2018


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

Today customers were very nice & had a lot of sense of humor.  It’s good that they invited me for the right time to check their Feng Shui because they both were fall in bad luck year (Ox).

If you are in bad luck year, avoid to buy new house.  It’s not fun at all for the outcome I always found every cases.

If you already broke the rules, the only solution is adjusting Feng Shui.  It will fix both your fortune & house.  If you are not ready, then do not underestimate in all actions.

Even though Feng Shui is the only solution for bad luck year but it might not able to clear up all bad cases.  It depends on how bad of the result.  You might need longer time for the severe result.

It likes when doctor cure the patient.  He treats your sickness by the symptoms.  No any medicine can cure you completely in a second.

Feng Shui is also the same.  You might not see its improvement right away as it depends on individual fortune & each Feng Shui is not equal.  With less damage, it may be seen immediately.  But for the severe damage, you need to relax & calm down for the longer time to get improvement.  You are not worse than it was then it considers very good.

Take time for all things, great haste makes great waste. - - Benjamin  Franklin - -

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

Today was a very urgent & last minute request to check his Feng Shui in order to have office in the house.  Do you know what is the major matter?

To have good Feng Shui, you need to know what is the focus point.

For this case the major matter is working table.  This is the first start to do a business and make money.

Firstly is to check the right location of its table.  For further good Feng Shui, you need to look for lucky star to promote work & finances.

Good location for working table
1. Not aligned with doors or staircase
2. Not under the beam or air conditioner
3. Not under or above toilet
4. Not above the stove
5. Not under or above Buddha image/statue
6. Dense & calm at the back (very important)

If it’s located at the wrong place like said above, surely it will affect to your work & finances all the time.

When you have a good Feng Shui working table, you already saved half of the work progress.  Next is to work with your marketing.

The power of work, and the power of creativity can be your salvation. - - Nicole  Kidman - -


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

Today case was done in a cool place of department store.  Do you know how to have a good location for your shop at the department store?

The most important thing is having good Chi.  Secondly is your cash box.

1. Circulation of Chi – It’s very simple.  Check how much the flow comes to your shop or how many people walk to your location.

And next is setting a trap to catch more Chi as much as possible.  How to?  It’s a secret. ^_^

2. Cash box – You have to locate it at the treasure spot.  If you put it wrong place, no matter how much money you earn but will not able to save them.  The point is keeping at the place that not many people can reach or walk pass.

How about keeping the money in your backpack?  It’s good but not good enough.  Think big is to find a permanent place for your cash box in order to get more & save them all.

Another important thing is product perception.  Make it outstanding & immediate speak by itself what you want to sell.

Too many fancy & hard to understand what they want to sell, always fail in many cases.

Make it simple but significant. - - Don  Draper - -

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

Before moving to new house, your life was very much smooth & success.  But after moving in, every side of your life turned to bad way.

If you are the one of this situation, raise your hand.  There are only 3 factors can change your life if you know how to use them.

We would like to have a new dream house when you are ready, right?  But why this dream turns to bad dream when it becomes real.

Those effective 3 factors are sky, earth and human.

1. Sky - Auspicious time.  Buying a new house in bad luck year or your house falls in bad direction is always the matter.

In year 2018 starts from 4th February 2018 – 3rd February 2019.
Bad luck year (human) affects Ox, Dragon, Sheep and Dog.
Bad direction (house) = Back of the house against the North.

2. Earth – Feng Shui.  Bad star is aligned with the door or inappropriate stuff placing is found all the time.

Remember all doors, staircase, working table, stove and pathway are affected to your finances.  Make it clear & clean at all time.

3. Human – Action or ability.  You need to understand & improve yourself related to business trend.

They always blame every other things like economy or competitor but not themselves.

We need to analyse ourselves first to find our the root of problems.  If the human is not the cause, then check sky & earth.

If you are very much confident yourself is not the problem but still feel uncomfortable and have no clue to proceed further.  Firstly I want you to understand up & down circle of life.  And next to check sky & earth for further investigation.  Feel free to check with me for any questions you may have.

For every complex problem there is an answer is clear, simple and wrong. - - H.L. Mencken - -

Monday, March 12, 2018


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

The case today was done properly.  They were lovely couples.  We have talked & forgot the time to leave.

At 1st contact to make appointment he asked will I run away or shut down my Page ( /website after money transferred.  Today I proofed with my present at his house.

My motto is honest & sincere.

Anyone has bought amulet from me or made Feng Shui appointment with me (normally it takes 1-2 months in advance to confirm the appointment), I keeps my words.  You are worry free to deal with me.

Let’s get back to today case study.  They faced many problems since moved to this house.  They were cheated by other people over millions Baht.

I have told him before the visit that this caused from his bad luck year.

After the inspection & talked with them, it confirmed that he bought this house in bad luck year.

As I always said, in bad luck year you cannot have or start any new big things like renovation, buying car or house.  When you break this rule, bad outcome surely attacks you.  And I cannot predict how long or how bad will be.

Then when you are in bad luck year, just keep low profile and stay still.  If you are not sure for anything, feel free to check with me first.  I’m very happy to consult for you.

I’m more than happy to give you the answers what I can provide you.  But some questions I can’t give you the answer right away, then you have to understand me too.

Like if you ask is your house good?  Are these stuffs located at the right place?  I can’t give you the right answer because I need to check Feng Shui for your whole house first.  With Feng Shui inspection, then I can give you the right answer how to make your Feng Shui house.

In year 2018 starts from 4th February 2018 – 3rd February 2019.
Bad luck year in 2018 affects Ox, Dragon, Sheep and Dog.  If you are under these zodiac signs, keep low profile & stop all big projects.

Remember to keep the mind calm in difficult moments. - - Horace - -

Friday, March 9, 2018


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

To have a good Feng Shui house, good degree of the house has to work harmonize with house layout and owner’s fortune too.  This encourages the residents live smooth with happily.

For today case study, this house was the last leftover of this property.  No one wanted it because of house nos 111.  Some believes this number will destroy the family unity.  I would like to say that this belief was totally wrong.

If this house was yet bought, I would ask the sales person for discount because of no one wanted to buy.  ^_^

After I checked Feng Shui & found that degree of house, layout and owner’s fortune all were matched.  I really like it so much because I have no need to fix Feng Shui.

Almost every parts of this house worked well.  Good stars were located at the right place.  It’s easy to stimulate fortune’s areas.  At the same time, bad stars were at the blind areas.

If he follows my instruction, very soon he’ll get more wealthy.

There are two things in life that should regarded the bad turns good and the good turns better. - - Leri  Natchios  Hamilton - -


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

I’ve finished work in the sunny day.  What is a good Feng Shui house?  Many people want to have it but afraid to invest in it.  It’s no doubt that you cannot have it with your fear.

Do you know the car for racing?  Is there any racing car can race immediately after you bought from the dealer?  Every racing car needs to be adapted, adjusted & renovated completely before racing.  No car can race since day 1 you bought (I’m talking about professional car racing).

House is also use the same logic.  You need to use Feng Shui to adjust, support & promote good energies to you.

How do you know which is good Feng Shui house?  Checking Feng Shui is the only answer.

You cannot just have a look & know this sense.

The same house pattern but suits to different Feng Shui adjustment because we need to set up right to individual house’s owner.  It depends on individual’s fortune.

Having a good racing car also needs to stimulate the engine suitably to the driver.  Each racing car then needs different set up.

When you can create the harmony between them, this called good Feng Shui.

It sounds easy sometimes but it’s not.

Ride the energy of your own unique spirit. - - Gabrielle  Roth - -