Wednesday, January 31, 2018


You might have known that stove location and positioning is very complicated in Feng Shui.  Then what will affect if stove is next to pathway?

The answer is … it’s alright with no bad affect.

If your stove likes that, be relieve that there is no need to re-adjust anything.

You can check through other tips from my Page.  Or feel free to let me know if you have any questions.

There is no smoke without a fire. - - Proverb - -

Tuesday, January 30, 2018


If you are the one who like decorating your house with beautiful stone, rock or pebble, you should pay attention on this article.  When you have them in wrong place, beware of cash flow.  Let’s find out where you should avoid and the solution.

Mostly every house decorates garden or walkway with stone.  To have stone walkway, beware of financial issue.

Walkway represents cash flow to your pocket.  If you have good & right pathway, absolutely you will have smooth cash flow.  On another hand, if you have rough, broken or damaged pathway, you need to worry about the financial.

You may see it’s beautiful with those stones decoration but it is not good in Feng Shui.  Simple logic, it is inconvenience to walk on those stones or pebbles and caused you stumble easily, isn’t it?

This reflects the same thing in Feng Shui.  Anything made trouble to you especially at the important spot like the pathway, it affects to your Feng Shui too.

Make pathway smooth is the only solution.

You might not pleased it but it helps your life move on with no obstacle, don’t you like it?

When the life is wavy, keep your mind smooth! -- Mehmet  Murat  Ildan --

Monday, January 29, 2018


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

It’s better to have Feng Shui to prevent & protect, than solving the problems.

We check Feng Shui in order to analyse possible obstacles may happen.  This will alert us and we can provide the proper protection.

The top aim of Feng Shui is to motivate good fortune of your house.  And maximize the useful energy to support you achieve your goal fast & smooth.

I found a lot of wealthy doors at this property today which was not often to see.  Feel so great with this family.

Protect your enthusiasm from the negativity of others. - - H. Jackson  Brown, Jr. - -

Saturday, January 27, 2018


@ Bangkok, THAILAND
This is the time for moving to new house.  Then today I have some guidelines for your consideration.  You will not regret it.

There are 3 rules for new place, welcoming the year of Earth Dog 2018.

1. Forbidden for bad luck year or unlucky direction
- Bad luck year in 2018: Ox, Dragon, Sheep and Dog
- Unlucky direction in 2018: Back of the house is facing North
House expansion and renovation are prohibited.

If you are not in the above group, read next.

2. House numbers indicate overall picture
- The house numbers are reduced to a single digit after adding them together.  The ultimate good numbers are 1, 6, 8 and 9.
- Bad double numbers to be avoided are 00, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55 and 77.  It would be good if you can avoid these double numbers.  If you have them, solve it (contact me for solution).

House numbers aggravate the main factor.  It means that if you are in bad luck year, poor house numbers will aggravate bad energy to you.

3. Good location
Former time - Leaning against mountains and facing water is good
Modern time – Leaning against buildings and facing road is good
In short, having active energy at front and support back with passive energy.

The right Feng Shui location is very important.  It is a flow of Chi = breath of life.

I always use the above guidelines and hope this will benefit to you as well.

The past cannot be changed.  The future is yet in your power. - - Unknown - -


@Bangkok, THAILAND

It’s very hot today.  Today property was located at a good place in Feng Shui.

Degree of the house falls at very good position with main door is a treasure door.  When you have a treasure door, it’s already good and easy to support or fulfill other areas.

However, this house falls in bad direction for the year 2018.  There is a need to solve it immediately.

Today I want to give you an idea of bad year and bad direction.

We already known that bad year affects to the people.  But many people don’t know that there is bad year to your house too.  In Feng Shui we call bad direction.

Rules for bad year and bad direction.
<< For new house>>
1. No buy or build new house.
2. No expand or renovation.
3. No house warming ceremony.
4. No grand opening ceremony for new business.

But you are freely to make any merits.

Bad direction in year 2018 starts from 4th February 2018 – 3rd February 2019.

People - Bad luck year in 2018 affects Ox, Dragon, Sheep and Dog.  There is no the worst zodiac sign among above mentioned names, all are to be aware in all parts.

House – Bad direction = Back of the house against the North in degrees 338 - 22.  If you’ve never checked Feng Shui, keep more 5 degrees in reserve.

If you are in the above conditions, please be aware and careful very much.  All 100 people I met, bad energy affects them all.  I cannot tell you how bad or how long it will affect.  If you cannot avoid it, checking Feng Shui is the best tool to alter & promote good energy to you and family members.

You can’t let one bad moment spoil a bunch of good ones. - - Dale  Earnhardt - -​​

Friday, January 26, 2018


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

This study case needed the consultant both office and house at the same time.  It’s a Yin-Yang concept; defense (at house) and attack (at office) power.

This concept is good for business owner.


Sometimes it’s a challenge to form both defense and attack power in a small place.

It would be better to separately promote defense power at home and attack power at office.  This way increases the highest energy for you.

Defense power focuses on saving money.  While attack power focuses on generating more money.

It is a must thing to have both energies work well for your financial.

You never know who needs you.  Good energy is contagious. - - Unknown - -


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

The house owner has been waiting for me for 1 year.  Thanks for your kind patience and continued support.

I have read his fortune before and he followed through my advice.  It seemed he has got another piece of jigsaw to complete the jigsaw of success today.  It was great talking to him.

As checked Feng Shui, everything was quite fit to the right position.  Just rearrange the minor things to support good energy at the right time.  It is mostly perfect.

It is not necessary to have the best Feng Shui because nothing can be perfect 100%.  You just have it fit to you, that’s the Feng Shui you needed.

Perfect people aren’t real, and real people aren’t perfect. - - Unknown - -


Friday, January 12, 2018


@ Ubon Ratchathani, THAILAND

It was another good weather day with nice breeze.

The house owner informed me that since they moved into this new house, her life was getting worst with many problems.  Before moving in she’s wealthy with a lot of saving.

What’s happened?  Or is it because bad house?

The similar situations always happen when we have a new turning point in our lives – opening new business, moving to new house, buying new house or expanding business for examples.

I always found that it’s because a bad luck year.

To break any rules in bad luck year is prohibited.  Any rules breaking absolutely reflect bad things to everyone & every part in your life.

In bad luck year, you cannot have any new project – opening new business, expanding business, buying new house/car, renovating house, etc.  Everything attracts bad energy to you.

The best way is stay still in bad luck year.

Back to the case study - after checked Feng Shui, I found that this house was good but bad timing.  The owner received misfortune because she bought this house in bad luck year.

If you are unable to understand the cause of problem, it is impossible to solve it. - - Naoto  Kan - -

Thursday, January 11, 2018



On the way here I got lost a little bit but it was fine.  Today case study was a house for living.  When I checked Feng Shui, I was surprise how come this house had no any bad spot.

The house owner declared when I closed the job today that she had me checked her house floor plan last year.  And now this house’s nearly completed, so she invited me to double check the accuracy.

I was so sorry that I could not recall this floor plan at first sight.  Thanks to her continued support.  It made me delighted and recovered from exhaustion.

Due to there was no bad spot in floor plan, it seemed half work has been done.  The remaining progress was setting all other matters into the right position.

In general, this house was located at good Feng Shui degrees, except bad star in bedroom.  But I can solve it by simple technique.

When you move to new house & realize that from healthy person become sick, one reason is because there is bad star in your bedroom.

This issue’s solution is to check Feng Shui and rearrange directional power.  It means that different locations require different solutions.

If you were like I said above, strongly suggest to check Feng Shui & solve it immediately.

An unhealthy mind, even in a healthy body, will ultimately destroy health. - - Manly Hall - -


@ Khonkaen, THAILAND

2 cases went well under the hot weather and very sunshine.  Both of house owners had the same aim.  They wanted to get Feng Shui house ready before moving in/operate their new places.

First case – The house owner needed my advice on Feng Shui interior design.  Make it right at once as you live in this house for long term.

Second case – It was a home office with warehouse.  They also needed Feng Shui interior design advice in order to enrich wealth energy.

It was right timing for both cases.  Feng Shui inspection at the beginning saves a lot of your time & money.

In general, both places were located at good Feng Shui degrees.  Furthermore, dragon door position was also supporting fortune.



Some new customers wanted to make appointment with me to check his Feng Shui.  He had a question what if he made advance payment & I may cheat on him.

No matter how sincere you are, you’re a liar when you meet someone who suspects you.

I had hundreds of on site cases, there was no any single case I crooked job when I made the promise.  I keep my promise to all customers even I am not well.

You have right to doubt on me but I do believe all my works prove myself than thousands words.  I work overload every month.  I have to refuse some new online Feng Shui consultation requests because I want to keep the quality of work to my clients.

Then please have worry free if I accept your request of work.  I have never failed my customers.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


@ Songkla, THAILAND

Today was another good sunny out day.  I was afraid of rain but it was not.  Luckily it was heavy rain after the job has done.

This house was located at a very good degrees in Feng Shui.  Furthermore, there was the same Flying Star Feng Shui pattern same as my house.

To encourage the wealth, starts from the main entry.  Measure the main entry falls in Wealth & Prosperity degree is the key.  My technique is very simple and easy.

The rest is working on all other matters to be placed in the right position of the house.

Feng Shui is not an ignorant belief.  It is a philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment.  When you have the right Feng Shui, you will surprise how everything seems so smoother & easier to deal with.

Success is simply a matter of luck. Ask any failure. -- Earl Wilson --​​

Monday, January 8, 2018


@ Songkla, THAILAND

This house owner wanted to convert an abandoned old house to a dormitory.  Many people are afraid of abandoned house & think it’s not good to run any business at the place like this.  In fact, if you understand Feng Shui properly, this is a piece of cake!

Good point for the abandoned house which has no one interested in buying or renting is cheap & negotiable price.  It is best to check Feng Shui before making purchase decision.  It tells if it is worth for your money.

There was an interesting point for this case study.  It was not because this house was renounced for years but long stairway.

This stairway was the main reason the previous owners could not live here so long when I checked its background.  Finally it was abandoned with no one reside in until today.

Staircase represents cash flow.  It is very common sense that you are already sick of long and steep stairway.  Then it is no need to mention Feng Shui in the same way.

The solution is using Feng Shui element to protect against negative energy.

You can get by with lightings along the staircase.

To run dormitory business well, you need to focus on fortune power in your office.

I said it’s a piece of cake for this case because we are going to renovate the whole house.

It is a precious thing if you can make use of Feng Shui.  It helps you reach your goal smoothly & easily. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.  Personal on site consultation is also available as per my updated schedule.  Or check with me directly to meet your inquiries.​

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Feng Shui: LEAK POINTS!!!

@ Bangkok, THAILAND

This was the 2nd bigger house I inspected for this customer.  The previous house was inspected last August.  They achieved new success in very short time after the 1st visit.  Congratulations!

Actually they invited me for some times ago but due to tight schedule, just got today inspection for their new house.

To receive the full strength Feng Shui quickly, you must follow every single advice correctly.

Imagine there are 10 leak points in your boat.  If you seal only 9 leak points, anyhow your boat is sinking from the last leak point soon.

This is the same way to Feng Shui advisory.  You might receive good result at the beginning even you cannot fix all advices.  No sooner you leave leak point(s) exist than bad energy affects you.

My Feng Shui technique is not complicated.  I do not focus on heavy re-construction.  My instruction is very simple and easy to follow in.  And it is not a magic at all.

Then you should searching for all leak points in your house and fix them as soon as possible before they affect bad energy to you.

Wish you all good luck!

Friday, January 5, 2018


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

Normally T-junction house is considered bad, but it’s a favorite Feng Shui topic.

The Universal energy (called Chi) is rushing too strongly from the road towards the T-junction house.  If the house is located on the proper position, Chi will support good energy.  On another hand, if the house position is not right, this negatively affects the energy of the whole house.

If you do not check Feng Shui beforehand, better to avoid T-junction house.  Otherwise, you might not happy with negative energy.

The important matter to improve Feng Shui for T-junction house is having appropriate front door.  And make use of strong Chi turns good energy to your house.

If you improve it right, you may surprise for unexpected good fortune to come.  Good luck!


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

Today job was done properly.  Every movement affected to our life one way or another; buying new house, new car, starting new business, moving working table or bed.

Good energy will support our plans while bad energy creates obstacles to us.

For today case study – their lives were very smooth before moving to this new house.  But not so soon after moving in, they faced many problems for both work & finance.

All sudden problems caused by the following factors.
1. Fortune
2. Feng Shui
3. Timing

Today visit was the right time before they start new project.  They were going to expand the house which may affect more troublesome to their family.

After the inspection, luckily I found a significant spot for them; the fortune’s gate.  Every house needs it.

Next step was waiting for the right time for further Feng Shui action plans.  Life is a checkerboard.  If you have a single wrong moving, your men will be wiped off the board.

When you face any problem, be quick to sort out the cause & solve it.  The sooner you can solve problem, the smoother your life will be on track & move on.​

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Many people complained about sales, finance, economy, competitors or any other problems.

Actually, it’s not that hard like you think to be a millionaire.  I started my business from the scratch.  I can make it, I do believe you can make it as well.  To achieve this goal, you need to run a sustainable business.

How to?  Keep working on it.  Work is your life.  But I don’t mean to work every minute or 7 days a week.  Otherwise, life without happiness is not life to be.

If you immediately shut down your business when you get lost profit by lack of examine root cause of problem.  You can not have a sustainable business.  The problem you faced might not BIG as you imagine until you can find its origin.

Attitude is very important.  You need a proper plan, continually development with suitable strategy to run a sustainable business.

There are many people start a business without a proper plan, lack of diligence but high obstinacy.  There is no doubt for their failure.  They always have excuses like bad economy.  But I would like to say it’s an opportunity which who see it and set a plan to work with.

You may see there were many shops opened and went out of the business very quick.  You may think it’s a risk to invest.  In fact, nothing has no risk.  Today you get pay check monthly from the company.  Are you sure you will get it forever?

Again, find an opportunity and set a plan to work on it.

For my opinion, don’t look at others as competitors.  But look at them as show cases in order to improve yourself for better.

Apart of your abilities, it would be better to have good supportive factors.

1. Fortune – This likes your life map.  It guides you for the right time of doing anything or staying still.  It saves a lot of time to move forward.  My fortune is not so good but I know how to manage it.

2. Feng Shui – It likes transportation to move further & faster.  For example, you take a longer time to go to a destination by an old & rusty car (bad Feng Shui), comparing to a much shorter time if you go by a new super car (good Feng Shui).

Will the people succeed in business if they do not care the above factors?  Yes, they will.  But there are significant differences on duration and smoothness to achieve the same goal.

Wish you have the right attitude to achieve your goals.