Sunday, February 25, 2018


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

It’s a hot day!  The house owner today has delayed his renovation plan because he wanted me to check Feng Shui first.  It’s a right decision.

Recently customers were quite understood what I have said.  To save your time & money, it’s best to check Feng Shui at stage 0 or as earliest as you can before building or renovating your house.

It helps both of you & me.  You are easily to change or adapt the plan.  I’m also work efficiently to put the best Feng Shui for you.

At the end this helps you save both of time & budget.

Having a good house, you better preparing the best before living in.  This house will be with you in long term.

Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. - - Warren  Buffett - -

Saturday, February 24, 2018


@ Ayuthaya, THAILAND

Interesting point for today case study was putting water in front of the house which I always talked about this topic.  I want to repeat it again that not every house can put water in front of the house.

For Feng Shui house, we always use water to motivate good luck.

You might believe in “Leaning against mountains and facing water” phase.  Please change your attitude immediately.  This phase is good for house location (outside) only.

Only Feng Shui inspection can tell you are able to have water in front of your house or not.

If you don’t adjust Feng Shui house, better not to have water in front of your house.

Water motivates good luck.  But if you place it wrongly, this will motivate bad energy to your work & finance.

If you read until now, don’t ask me how to fix it or can you put the water, etc.  Please repeat this article what I have explained above until you get it.

No one can defeat us unless we first defeat ourselves. - - Dwight  Eisenhower - -


@ Lampoon, THAILAND

Do you want to know what are the things you cannot move them without the proper time?  If you move them at inappropriate time, it will affect bad energy to your life.  And I can say that it’s very difficult to fix them.

Many people move the things by not knowing its bad reaction.  If you don’t believe, just think about it carefully while reading this article.

Today case they moved almost everything in the house.  It’s good that when I checked & found that it’s yet late to fix them right.

Forbidden stuffs you can’t move as you pleased are those important things to your life.  You should not move them without auspicious time.

In summary, they are
1. Bed – affects to your health
2. Working table - affects to your work & finance
3. Dining table - affects to your family unity
4. Image of Buddha or statue of Buddha - affects to your work & prestige
5. Stove - affects to your health & reputation

In Feng Shui, all above things are related to our lives.  It’s fine if you move them on good day.  In contrast, if it’s your bad luck day, bad energy will attack you.

And there are some other stuffs that you can move but need to aware of vibrating the ground as well.  They are the heavy objects like wardrobe, chairs, washing machine, shelf etc.

Why?  Vibrating the ground is same as activating the star at that location.  If it’s a good star location, it’s fine.  If not, it will promote bad energy to your family members.

Is it true or not, you need to observe by yourself.  But I always found them from my clients most of the time.  It’s not happy when you have a rough path, isn’t it?

Men stumble over pebbles, never over mountains. - - Marilyn  French - -

Thursday, February 22, 2018


@ Chiangmai, THAILAND

If you understand the truth of living successfully on this planet, you will spend your life more easier.

I always emphasize on 3 factors affect to your life; sky, earth and human.  If you understand the meaning and know how to make use of them, you can have the success on your hand easy as pie.

Sky - Auspicious time is very important.  This is a start for your smooth or stumble path.  You need to have auspicious time when there is any drill, hammer, dig or vibrate the ground.

Earth – Feng Shui.  Our living place like as a vehicle.  If we have a good car (right Feng Shui), it helps you reach your goal very fast.

Human – Action or ability.  This is the most important factor.  Even you have good sky & earth but bad human, no matter how hard you are working but you can’t get rich.  You need to improve yourself all the time.

When you have all above 3 factors perfect together, you will forget “obstacle” from your life.

Harmony makes small things grow, lack of it makes great things decay. - - Sallust - -

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


@ Chiangrai, THAILAND

Do you know what is a good house?  Good house is able to help your life smoother.

What is a good house?  You may think it should be a Feng Shui house.  It’s true but not all.

It’s not only Feng Shui house itself but it has to support you too.  It means everyone has individual Feng Shui house.  Mainly I will focus on color, shape and direction to individual’s fortune.

To have your Feng Shui house, you need to have your Chinese fortune telling first.

1. Fire element
- Color/tone: Red, pink, purple and orange
- Shape/pattern: Triangle
- Direction: South

2. Earth element
- Color/tone: Yellow and brown
- Shape/pattern: Square
- Direction: Northeast and Southwest

3. Gold element
- Color/tone: White, gold and silver
- Shape/pattern: Circle and oval
- Direction: West and Northwest

4. Water element
- Color/tone: Blue, dark blue, black and gray
- Shape/pattern: Wave
- Direction: North

5. Wood element
- Color/tone: Green
- Shape/pattern: Rectangle
- Direction: East and Southeast

I use this principle to set up individual Feng Shui house in order to attract all good energies supporting your fortune.  This is the best Feng Shui.

We do not need to have 100% Feng Shui house.  Importantly your house has to promote fully 100% good energy to you.

This case I inspected since it’s just empty land.  This’s a good start to have Feng Shui because I can ensure you have good foundation.  Mark good location to build your house.  Surely it has to be located on treasure mark.

Next is to locate other floor plan from main door, office, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, etc.  This house floor plan’s no bad spot because I wrote the plan myself.  If you follow this plan, I assure you will get rich.

He wants to have the same house pattern like his sister’s which will be next door.  It seems like he has the showroom before start building his house.  In conclusion, his house has good location, great house degree and beautiful floor plan.  Everything’s perfect.

Feel free to consult with me if you want to build new house or buy land/house etc.

You can tell when people are truly happy.  Their energy is genuine. - - Unknown - -

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


@ Lampang, THAILAND

Today case was renovating old building & convert to a dormitory.  It has good degree of the house which is suitable for dormitory.  But need to fix bad direction which I can handle it.

Applying Feng Shui to the process of buying a house or building is a wise investment on many levels.

This basic Feng Shui checklist will assure you make the right choice.

1. Good location: Leaning against mountains and facing water
Modern time changes to leaning against buildings and facing road.  This is to have good Chi.  Having active energy at front and support back with passive energy.

2. Avoid bad house direction and bad luck year
For people, we called bad luck year.  For house, we called bad house direction.

In year 2018
Bad luck year affects Ox, Dragon, Sheep and Dog.
Bad house direction = Back of the house against the North.

3. Auspicious time is a good start
There is the right timing for all action.  If you have an auspicious time, everything will be smoother.  It’s very important to have an auspicious time for buying house.  Date to buy the house or make a contract is not much concern to me.  But you need to have an auspicious time for house warming ceremony.

4. Good layout inside the house
The basic point is avoiding all doors and staircase to be aligned to each other as much as possible.  Next is not to locate bed, table, stove, etc… be aligned to doors & staircase.

These are first matters you should aware of.  If you confuse, just send your house photo to me for advice.  But also include some explanation of your layout too.  Otherwise, it will be me to be confused.  But don’t ask me an auspicious time because everyone has own auspicious time.

Any other questions you may have, feel free to let me know.  I’m more than happy to provide you some advices at no cost.

Don’t let your mind stop you from having a good time. - - Jason  Mraz - -

Monday, February 19, 2018


@ Pichit, THAILAND

It’s very sunny but quite cool today.

Case study today was a home office.  Then I will focus and balance both defense and attack power.

Some people think we need to focus on good fortune in order to have good business.  I would say that it’s a misunderstanding.

Doing any business, you need to have more income.  This made us focus on having good fortune & missed some other important points.  In many cases, I found that there were a lot of income but couldn’t save those money.

The heart of this topic is to balance both defense and attack power.

Attack power – Having an aggressive office
Defense power – Having a compact bedroom

These are the keys to balance both energies.  If you can make it, it’s not only your work & money, but also your health will be improving.

Feng Shui is a combination between science and art.  It involves our lives.  Meaning that if we have good Feng Shui, our lives will absolutely good too.

Balance is not something you find.  It’s something you create. - - Unknown - -

Saturday, February 17, 2018


@ Sikhiu, Nakhon Ratchasima, THAILAND

The house owner wants to have good foundation since the beginning.  They want to do the best to build this house.  It’s absolutely right as I always said.  It’s the most perfect time when you are working out on the floor plan before starting the construction.

At this point, I can check all details from the location, wind direction, Chi energy (very important) and floor plan both inside & surroundings.

The most important point of the examination is marking floor plan.  Actually the house owner’d his own plan, after checking there were many points need to be changed.

My style is not only follow through the Feng Shui philosophy but also meet house owner’s convenience.  If the house owner doesn’t like the plan, I’ll not finalize it.  Will you happy if you have the right Feng Shui house but it’s difficult to live in?

Look forward to seeing how does this house look like in mid year.  It’s a perfect floor plan with no any single bad energy point because I’ve re-plan for them by myself.  ^_^

You can’t build a great building on a weak foundation. - - Gordon  B  Hinckley - -​​

Friday, February 16, 2018


It’s a great chance to pay respect to the venerable Pra Ajarn.  He taught me the meditation in Hadyai.

Today Dharma talk with him I want to share with you here.
1. Always giving at any possible chances
2. Be merciful at any time
3. To pay respect to all teachers
4. Doing everything on good karma path (good mind, good speak & doing good)

Our life’s a journey.  We can feel sorry but don’t waste time with that sorrow because our lives must go on for tomorrow.

You can use his teaching for your daily life.

We wish you all be shared in this good karma I did.  Wish you wealthy & healthy.

Train your mind to see the good in every situation. - - Unknown - -​​


@ Saraburi, THAILAND

Today case study was an old living house since childhood.  There was a house expansion about 4-5 months ago.

After checked degree of the house found this renovation changed bad energy in bedroom.  The door has been moved and extended more space caused bad star in health appeared.

And when I interviewed them about health issue, they informed that they just got bad health news.  Luckily the renovation’s yet finished, we are able to adjust it.

It’s good that we met & I checked Feng Shui for them.  There were many changes on their original plan.  My style is not difficult.  I do not only follow through the Feng Shui philosophy but also meet house owner’s convenience.

Feng Shui’s very much important.  Clear your mindset of anything’s alright & can do whatever to your house.  If you like this case & I don’t check for you, the worst of this fortune possible be a cancer.

Life is simple, it’s just not easy. - - Unknown - -​​

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

Today customers were smart business people and also had sense of humour.

It’s not often to find an outstanding house on prestige.  This kind of house will promote both prestige and study.

After I checked degree of the house, I asked the house owner that how’s their children’ study?  You can guess what was the answer, right?  ^_^

Cons of this house was no many wealth areas.  Need the right motivation on these areas to get rich.

The outstanding prestige house is very challenge to new Feng Shui master.  If he motivates wrongly, this will decrease your prestige power.

At the beginning, the owner’s adjusted their house by reading Feng Shui books.  At the end, they invited me to fix their Feng Shui today after they used my Bagua coins & saw improvement prominently.

We all have different talents.  It doesn’t help at all for Feng Shui even if you have read all books from the bookstore.  Don’t waste your time reading those books if you believe in Feng Shui.  The worst is getting free knowledge, I’m surely it’s useless.

If those books work just by reading, all Feng Shui masters might have no more jobs to do.

In summary, let the master works in his talent.

Everyone is gifted.  But most people never open their package. - - Unknown - -​​

Monday, February 12, 2018


@Bangkok, THAILAND

Today case study is condominium.  It’s the best to check Feng Shui before you begin interior design or move in.

It’s very hard to have good Feng Shui because there is limited space for condo.  Not only go through Feng Shui rules, but also pleased the owner’s style.

No matter how good you have Feng Shui, it’s useless if function’s inconvenience to the owner.

It’s an art to harmonize all energies.  Experiences are the must than relying on text books.

Feng Shui is very complicated.  However, the main point sounds simple.  It is to locate everything in order to support each energy.

Everything should be as simple as it is, but not simpler. - - Albert  Einstein - -​​

Sunday, February 11, 2018


@Bangkok, THAILAND

Many people asked when is the best time to check Feng Shui.  Let me answer from the best timing in order.
1. Check before starting the construction.
2. Check while main home structure’s under construction.
3. Check before you begin interior design.
4. Check right after move in.

Q: Do we get the same good result after Feng Shui house?
A: Absolutely Feng Shui house affects good energy to you but individual house reflects different energy.

The difference depends on the difficulty to adjust your house.

The faster you check Feng Shui, the better for your foundation.

Today case study the house owner actually wanted to do many tasks.  After I checked, suggested better not to go through the plan.  This case just wasted time planning.  No need to waste money to redo the works.

I don’t think we plan to stay in the new house just a couple of years.  Then you should select the best since the beginning for your house.

Make good choices today so you don’t have regrets tomorrow. - - Unknown - -​​

Friday, February 9, 2018


@ Bangkok, THAILAND

It’s mostly perfect for the house today on location degree & layout, except water at the backyard.

Leaning against water or road is not good in Feng Shui.  This made you always spend out whenever you got money.

It was a good talk today.  Started checking his fortune & gave advices how his fortune support work and how the career support himself.  Later on I just realized that it was another person’s fortune.  It’s alright, just restart from the beginning then.  LOL

For this house location as said, the more money received, the quicker spend out.

It’s luckily that this house has good location degree & layout.  Then he needed a small change to turn out to be good Feng Shui and activate fortune in order to attract wealthy.

Before leaving, the house owner has informed me a religious ceremony nearby.  It’s coincided my wish to make merit.

There is no holiday for making merit.

My life isn’t perfect but I’m thankful for everything I have. - - JoshDelaCruz I Tumblr - -​​

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Feng Shui: WATER = MONEY

Having water or fountain in front of the house is always a popular topic I often explained.  It does not mean that every house can set up the fountain.  Today I have an interesting case study.  You might set up the fountain by not knowing.  And it is surely affect to your finances.

Not only the fountain but also including pool, fish pond or any other water overflow system shall not set up without Feng Shui inspection beforehand.

When you have it wrong, bad energy influences most of everything, especially finances to you & all family members.

I found a few cases that they worship King of Nagas or any other belief of offering water.

In Feng Shui this is the same way you set up the fountain at your place.

Okey, let’s get back to the point.  If that location is right spot of Feng Shui water, it will double your good fortune.

In the contrast, if you miss the right positioning, it also affect double your bad fortune.

It is your choice to have one way or another.  This is only Feng Shui matter.  And it is the best not to set up any water overflow system if you cannot have Feng Shui consultation.

On your own belief, I have no comments.  I only suggest through my Feng Shui philosophy.  There is no absolutely right or wrong on both sides.

Everything depends on your action.

The path to success is to take massive, determined actions. - - Tony  Robbins - -​​

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


There are many things cannot be aligned with the door.  How about the shelf, closet, cabinet or cupboard aligned with the door?  And what would it be if cannot move it out of the way?

Feng Shui door is very complicated.  It does not work well with anything confusing, blocking, messy or even aligned with another door.

However, there is an acceptance.  It is alright if another object is not an important thing.

The shelf aligned with the door as the picture shown considers not bad in Feng Shui.  But you need to see other conditions as well.  The area in front of the door has to be clear and clean.

On another hand, you also need to aware of the shelf aligned with the door cannot block or obstruct the door area.

To ensure the above conditions
1. The door can be opened full swing freely.
2. There should be 1 M. radiance of empty space from the door when open.

If you can not follow the above conditions, moving the shelf out of the 1 M. radiance is only a solution.

All those blocking stuffs affect your cash flow.  Or it is very difficult to receive the expected revenue or may lose the income.

Check your house carefully.  Feng Shui does not care the excuse of limited space.  Bad Feng Shui is truly bad with no exception.

The eyes are useless when the mind is blind. - - Unknown - -​​

Monday, February 5, 2018


Have you ever curious when you move to a new house & realize that from healthy person become sick?  Especially if you are a lady and got weird symptoms on vagina without any clues.

Pay attention on this topic if you want to know what is the stimulus on your sickness.

There is an important spot in your house reflects to vagina on lady.  It is a stove location.

Why wrong stove location affects directly to the lady?  It is because mostly the lady cooks for the family.  In term of Feng Shui, the place you spend time the most will transform its energy to you.

On another hand, if a man is mainly cooking for your family, wrong stove location absolutely influences to his health as well.

Now you realize that wrong stove positioning is bad to your family members.  To have the right location, you can read from my earlier articles.

Today I want to warn you the worst location.  When you place your stove aligns with the door is the worst energy to lady’s health.

There is only one solution is to move your stove away and not aligns with the door.  No any Feng Shui stuff can help.

Many people also asked me how about Bagua coin to sort this issue out?  Sorry to say that even my Bagua coin doesn’t help.

Then if your stove now is at the wrong positioning, immediately move it before the more severe health problems happen to your family members.

It’s not what I feel for you; it’s what I don’t feel for anyone but you. - - Unknown - -​​


If you place any electronic devices at your cashier counter, please be noted that it’s bad to your finances.

In Feng Shui, the cashier counter is the heath of business.  If you have the right Feng Shui cashier desk, it will support your business and finances.

The principle to set up cashier desk is the same as office table which you can check it out from my earlier articles.

Today I’ll talk about the stuffs you are placing on the cashier counter.

Apart of the counter’s location, the stuffs on it are also important.

To have good cashier counter, remember …
1. Clear, clean and neat
2. Better not to have any electronic devices or minimize to place it on

The untidy counter has lesser bad effect than placing electronic devices.

The Feng Shui cashier counter should be calm and no movement.  The electronic devices create vibration which means your cash box is moving all the time.

When your cash box is moving, it will bring you a lot of headache from high expenses and unstable sales volume.

You can solve it by making the counter clear, clean, neat and no electronic devices to be put on it.  A computer is an acceptable to place on.

Being in control of your finances is a great stress reliever. - - Unknown - -​​

Saturday, February 3, 2018


First of all, look at the photo which you might familiar with.

The floor plan likes staircase to bathroom door and bedroom door to bedroom door are very bad in Feng Shui.

How bad is it?

1. Staircase to bathroom door or office door – It affects to financial leaks.  You mostly spend all income, barely have saving.

2. Staircase to bedroom door – It affects to health.  Family members usually get sick.

3. Bedroom door to bedroom door – It also affects to health, especially the worst to the elder person.

4. Bedroom door to office door – It affects badly to all 3 matters; work, finance and health.

There are many other cases but just be aware that all staircase to door or door to door, all are bad.  Each room represent different matters to be affected.

The solution?

If you have enough space, place a cabinet to cover up between their directions.  This is the easiest way to fix it.

But if you have limited space, only Feng Shui inspection will find out the best solution.  This is to rearrange surrounding elements at your place.  Each house also has unique solution to rearrange the right element to work for.

A very little key will open a very heavy door. - - Charles  Dickens - -


Thursday, February 1, 2018


There are many things cannot be aligned with the door like dining table, working desk, study table, bed, stove, etc.  And how about the washing machine?

The answer is … there is Feng Shui harmless for washing machine aligns with the door.

BUT it’s considered bad Feng Shui if it placed like as photo shown.

Blocking the door is a bad Feng Shui.

No matter what’s it but the blocking reflects bad energy in your work and finances.

Then now you know to avoid poor positioning.  Good luck!

Family is the only real wealth. - - Barnabas - -​